Thursday, October 18, 2012

Scripture of the Day

"Condemn me not because of mine imperfection, neither my father...; but rather give thanks unto God that he hath made manifest unto you our imperfections, that ye may learn to be more wise than we have been." Mormon 9:31

I listened to a talk on the Train today called "Trial of Your Faith" by Elder Andersen. He talked about the fiery trials that we all face in life and how we are tried through these events to help us to become stronger. They are strange to behold and to see that we are dealt with but God has said they are a trial of our faith to enable us to grow and become stronger, they are to help us not to stop us.

This verse above he quotes in his talk and it struck me with wonder as I pondered more of this deep meaning behind it. Many people are turned away from the Book of Mormon for what ever reason they may have or reservation they hold against it. But here Mormon talks about how these men that have wrote these words are yet imperfect like I am and like you are. As we read their words we may see their imperfection in their character or the way the write or speak but he tells us that these imperfections can help us to become better. I thought of how this pertains to our family. We live with them day in and day out for a large portion of our life and we see their weaknesses, their struggles and strengthens. If you are similar to me those weakness they have can frustrate you like they do me, but I have come to see that these weaknesses can help us to become better. We can learn and grow from someone's weakness allowing us to be strong in that point. I look to my future family and hope that they will see my weaknesses and make them their strengths for I know they will be powerful and wonderful individuals in the Lord if they implement this and learn from my own mistakes and limitations. So what can we learn from our family, from a parent, spouse, sibling, or anyone else. Do not judge but learn to grow from them and love them. They are like yourself weak and imperfect, but they need what you need mercy, love and understanding. Give a little speak love and show gratitude.