Monday, November 4, 2019

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Sunday, October 27, 2019

20 Degrees Hotter - Refiner's Fire

On October 22nd, I almost posted about being involved in a shooting just seven months prior and reaching the point where I felt normal for once. But last Tuesday, I wasn't feeling well or normal. In fact, I noticed a pain in my neck. The following day, I noticed swelling. The swelling looked like my thyroid. Things progressively got worse from that time forward.

I attempted to set up an appointment with a doctor but every avenue I tried resulted in a dead end. Friday, I decided to go to an urgent care that my insurance suggested but the clinic was closed. I found myself in a nearby clinic talking to a lady about possible clinics that could see me that day. Exasperated, I thought about the situation and decided to go to the ER hospital in Edgerton because of the amazing care they provided with my past visits.  The medical staff are incredible and I couldn't ask for anything better than what they provide to their patients.

The past seven months have been the hardest and darkest months my life. I never thought I would experience the struggles or face some of the challenges I have faced in my life. But never imagined facing the implications and repercussions of a shooting. I've prayed for deliverance and healing at the beginning of this journey. I knew healing and deliverance would come but I never expected to feel normal for a week only to find myself facing another trial. I know for certain, the challenges I've faced in the past seven months prepared me for now. I know I can get through this because God has shown me that He is by my side. He has never left me and He never will leave me - it is not in His character.

"No matter how serious the trial, how deep the distress, how great the affliction, [God] will never desert us. He never has, and He never will. He cannot do it. It is not His character [to do so]...He will [always] stand by us. We may pass through the fiery furnace; we may pass through deep waters; but we shall not be consumed nor overwhelmed. We shall emerge from all these trials and difficulties the better and purer for them." - George Q. Cannon 

The ER doctor diagnosed me with a Thyroid Goiter. He called another doctor in the area and all three of us sat in his office talking about my situation. He went above and beyond his job to help me. I know this journey won't be easy but I know from past experiences it will be worth it. Even with the greatest darkness, we can find the greatest light. What this path looks like is extensive tests and appointments to determine what is going on and what to do. But I trust God and the journey that's laid before me. I will see marvelous blessings and greater joy and peace than before.

I've faced the refiner's fire for the past year and when I thought He was removing me from the fire He turned up the heat 20 more degrees. The only way for gold to develop its true pure color is to experience intense heat. When we pray for deliverance from a present trial we may in fact be handed another trial. We hold a limited perspective and view of the world around us. We place limits and expectations on what deliverance looks like and the gifts God gives to us. I know that all these trials have a higher and holier purpose. They are shaping and molding me into someone better and more fit for His kingdom. It doesn't mean it's easy but it will be worth it in the end. It's always worth it when it comes to God. There are blessings within the journey, we just need to adjust our eyes and lenses to see those blessings in order to feel happiness and joy.

"Dark gives meaning to the dawn, so does pain give meaning to pleasure, and sorrow to joy. All that we love, all that we strive for, all that we relish, we know only by contrast. The lesson of Creation is that the world acquires its meaning only through differentiation." - Fiona & Terryl Givens

"God does not instigate pain or suffering, but He can weave it into His purposes."

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Suffer With Joy

Last year I heard a talk about feeling joy in life. Naively, I prayed to feel more joy in my own life. I didn't know what joy felt like or at least I never recognized the joy in my life. Months later I know now what joy feels like because of the suffering I've passed through.

A few weeks ago I was talking to my dad about the past couple of months of my life. I told him it seemed that this year has been full of trials. Looking back I've had more bad days than good, but he pointed out that those good days were GOOD days. And even with the bad days there was deep resounding good within them.

Have Joy
The Prophet Lehi taught, "Men are, that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25). We are here to have joy, to experience this great deep feeling within us. But we tend to forget that in order to feel joy we must know its opposite-despair, heartache, suffering, and trials.

So how do we have joy?

Through the Spirit
In Mosiah 4:20 we read, "the Lord has poured out his spirit and caused hearts to be filled with joy." Joy comes by and through the Spirit. All good things come from God and in order to receive these things we must, indeed, have His Spirit with us. When we feel joy it is through the Spirit that it is possible. It's logical to assume that we need to do those things necessary to be worthy of God's Spirit, which means we need to repent and keep His commandments if we ultimately want to feel joy.

Focusing on Joy
"Joy is powerful, and focusing on joy brings God's power into our lives. As in all things, Jesus Christ is our ultimate exemplar, 'who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross' (Hebrews 12:2). Think of that! In order for Him to endure the most excruciating experience ever endured on earth, our Savior focused on joy!" -President Nelson

The joy the Savior focused on was an eternal joy, or perspective, that we all would be cleansed, healed, and strengthened. It was that joy of making it possible for all of us to return home to them. It was more than a hope it was a firm assurance that we would live again, perfect and complete in Jesus Christ. We can focus on this same joy to help us through our bad days, our bad weeks, and our bad years. 

Suffer with Joy
This past week I've had a hard time at work, but I felt deep joy (a feeling of warmth and overwhelming happiness within my heart). I found out that I did not get the position I applied for in Sweden, but even then I felt great joy. I was more excited to stay in San Diego than to go to Sweden because it means I will be here in the summer and do all the things I've been planning. Joy allowed me to see the positive of the situation and made those bad days not so bad.  Although I suffer, I am learning to suffer with joy.

"We can feel joy even while having a bad day, a bad week, or even a bad year!" 
-President Russell M. Nelson

Some days are not easy, it's a struggle at times to feel joy; but even in the midsts of the bad days, those moments of good does, indeed, over ride all the bad that comes-and that is a true gift from God.  We can feel great joy, it is possible and it is one of the most precious gifts we can receive from God. May we all learn to suffer with joy.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Receiving Light Through Painful Experiences

The past couple of months I found myself struggling with the circumstances of life. I distinctly remember three events where I knelt down to talk to Heavenly Father. In those moments I told Him that I could no longer go on, I was tired and done, and completely over the present situation. Every moment after those prayers I would find myself facing a newer harder trial. I prayed for relief but got more burdens. I wanted my current load to be lifted but he added to my load.

Just a couple of days after Thanksgiving, on the every first day of starting my new position, I got into a car accident. I was coming home from FHE and hit a slick spot in the road. My car spun around and I hit the concrete barrier three different times. The last time was head on into the barrier. My car was totaled but I walked away with a single bruise. Shaken up a little but I was very optimistic about the situation and saw it as a blessing and learning experience. My insurance only paid for the towing, but the past year I have been looking for a new car so I viewed it as the perfect opportunity to get a new car.

I expected to get a new car in January but as I constantly looked I couldn't find anything. Even when I found a car it wouldn't work out. I was looking in multiple states and multiple people looking for me, yet nothing was coming about. In the beginning of February I landed on my foot wrong and broke my fifth metatarsal. Still with no car, going from work to school the burden of not having a car was much worse and almost unbearable. I was on crutches for a week so I could not walk very far, on top of that I was out of work because having crutches on the sales floor was a safety hazard.

Being a graduate student living in San Diego, my job is essential so I can provide for myself. I couldn't be out of work, and I wanted so badly to go back to work. It was a rough road but after pressing forward I was blessed to get back to work. My life consisted of walking to the bus station in a boot and at times walking far enough to campus to flag the tram down to get to class. These days were difficult to say the least, but it has helped me see that I am strong enough to bear the burden God has given me.

It wasn't until I talked to a friend about things that were going on in my life that she said maybe God is showing you the strength you actually do have. Every moment before I was thinking of how much strength I don't have. It was when I found myself with no strength to continue forward that I would kneel in prayer to talk to Heavenly Father. Every day after I faced a new burden that was added to my load. It never occurred to me that He was trying to show me my strength. I had more strength than I initially thought, and He was showing me just how much I really had.

"Sometimes we mistakenly may believe that happiness is the absence of a load. But bearing a load is necessary and essential part of the plan of happiness." Elder Bednar

My experiences were painful. The road that I was walking was hard and very dark but even during the darkness there was still light to behold.

Tender Mercies-Light in the Darkness:
  • Co-workers/manager/friends provided me with rides
  • Being told my injury would not affect my work
  • Being blessed that I would heal as quickly as I had faith
  • This trial (broken foot) would be a blessing
  • Being released from crutches and to return to work a week after my injury
  • Strength to continue with every day life

My goal was to be out of the boot in four weeks and to participate in the 5k I signed up for just days before braking my foot. Not too many people believed it was possible but four weeks later I was out of the boot. The doctor said the bone is still healing but I should be good to complete the 5k.

Prayers Unanswered
While I was in the boot I prayed almost every single day that I would find a car. I had multiple appointments lined up to look at a car but for one reason or another none of them worked out. I deeply and truly believed that if I had a car things would be easier. Of course, having my own car would of helped so much it wasn't God's will. I didn't believe I could bear these burdens, but God does bless us with strength beyond our own.

Things didn't get better all at once. It felt like every single thing in my life was falling apart, everything that could go wrong did go wrong. But it is in these moments that God shows forth His power, in the midst of the darkest moments. He is a fourth watch God.

There were a lot of questions I was asking, but not getting a response. But little by little things started to come. Elder Scott  said, "Seldom will you receive a complete response all at once. It will come a piece at a time, in packets, so that you will grow in capacity. As each piece is followed in faith, you will be led to other portions until you have the whole answer. That pattern requires you to exercise faith in our Father's capacity to respond."

I was blessed to find a job opportunity in Sweden to help write a thesis which would help me with my masters degree. Even now I still have managers coming up to me offering me a position in their department. It takes time to see Gods hand and to understand why we are given certain trials. I have come to terms with not having a car and considering the possibility that maybe I will be going to Sweden soon is the reason why I haven't found a car.

Not everything makes sense when we are going through our trials but there is light to be found in the painful experiences. I was blessed to feel greater joy than I have ever felt before, that was due to feeling great sorrow and pain. In order for us to comprehend greater light we must first experience great darkness. If you are struggling and experiencing darkness remember God knows you and loves you, there is light and happiness in the end. You will be better and stronger, and more able to help those around you through your own personal trials.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Lessons From 2016

The New Year always brings multiple emotions from new beginnings to reminiscing to goal setting. With the turn of the New Year I sat down pondering on the past year. This past year has been full of changes and growth. Learning has come at every turn and thought, where I was to where I am is completely different. I never thought I would be where I am today, or be the person I am this day.

Laguna Beach
What I've been taught in the last year:

1. Taking the Right Path

2. Greater light requires greater darkness

3. Trust in the Lord

4. Take Courage and Follow Promptings

Taking the Right Path
One of the biggest lessons I've learned is that there are times when we are prompted to take a certain path.
For me I feel and recognize that prompting and act upon it but then comes the thing that I've struggled with. That path I was prompted to take does not end well. I've wondered why I was taken down that path even though it didn't go well. I've even wonder if that was the right path. Did I recognize that prompting correctly, or was it just me misunderstanding what I felt?

The truth is, that prompting was correct, it was my expectation of that path that has caused me to question the prompting. In my mind, I believe if I receive a prompting all is well or should go well. However, God never told me how that path would turn out, He has only prompted me to take it. Most often that prompting and that path is to teach me something that I could not learn any other way. Just because it's the right path does not mean the path will be smooth and end well. There are paths that are rough, harsh, and even treacherous because they are meant to teach us greater lessons, and help us grow so much more. God leads us down paths that are rough, but also down paths that are smooth-there is a plan and purpose for all paths.

Greater Light Requires Greater Darkness
In a recent book I read the author said in order for us to receive greater light we must be able to comprehend greater darkness. There is an opposite in all things. Newton's Third Law teaches us, as well as the scriptures, that with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

In order for me, and even you, to receive greater light I (you) must first comprehend greater darkness. Christ had to descend below all things in order for him to overcome all things. It is when we comprehend great darkness that we are able to comprehend greater light. We cannot know one without the other.

Ether 12:6 states, "Ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." In other words we do not receive greater light until we are tried, passing through greater darkness. It at times seems hard to pass through unbearable trials, but we must remember to have faith in Christ to the point of knowing greater light awaits us.

Black Beach-Thanksgiving Day
Trust in the Lord
This has been a lesson that I've been constantly learning since my mission. Keeping in the theme of promptings, this has been one of the things that I am still working on but have learned it more this past year. The beginning of this year I was living in Wisconsin hoping to get accepted into the Master's program at BYU. At that time I was healing from a head injury which caused me to lose my job and my health insurance. I felt defeated and on the edge of despair. A couple of months later I learned I did not get into the program at BYU and I wondered how in the world this could happen. I had a 67% chance of getting in, how did I not get in? I felt for the past year, as I prayed about moving to Utah, that it was the right direction.

Through the process of BYU, I found another program that I fell in love with, this being in April. Most schools close their application dates by this time but as I looked into the program I found, to my surprise, that I had about two or three weeks before the deadline. I quickly and somehow, miraculously got all the paper work in necessary for the application. I already decided before hand that I wasn't going to go to this school, even if I got in, because my heart and mind was so set on Utah. I lived in Utah before and loved it, and I've felt this constant pull to be there. Eventually, I heard back from the school. I was accepted and would be starting school in August. Housing and finances were an issue but somehow God provided a way. After He softened my heart I journeyed on to my new path. Every step of the way He opened a new door taking care of my every need. I really had to trust in Him. I was blessed with an amazing job, a great ward-that I absolutely love, and so many good people who have surrounded me with their love. It has been a testament to me that this was the right path for me, and I had to really trust the Lord every step of the way.

Mount Soledad-Veteran's Memorial
Take Courage and Follow Promptings
When you have a prompting or subtle thought take up courage and follow that prompting. We may not know if its from the Lord or not until we act upon it. However, there is one thing we can know, every good thing that entices us to do good is, indeed, from God. When you feel impressed to do something good for someone do it, it is from God. I have this tendency to over think things, I ask myself is this me thinking it or  is it from God? I even consider all the reasons why I shouldn't do it, like they may not want my help or they may get mad at me for trying to help. But, of course, you never know until you actually act on that prompting.

In following promptings the Lord has lead me to so many amazing opportunities and experiences. I remember having this very subtle thought about applying to the store I was shopping in. My dad even mentioned it on the phone when I talked to him later that day. I decided to look up their current job openings and applied to a couple positions. Needless to say, I was hired on and have loved every minute working for this company. You never know what path you will be lead down. Sometimes the prompting doesn't turn out the way you hoped it would but God always leads us to great things, nothing is wasted or useless. There is a purpose for everything He prompts us to do, sometimes He asks us to do things to see how much He can trust us to reach out and help His children.

Life is a learning process. We are learning every minute. God is always guiding us and is in the details of our life. He wants us to succeed and have joy in this life. He is there for us, He does listen to us, He loves us, and He is always blessing us even if we do not see those blessings or even believe in Him. I am grateful for His love in my life and the lessons I've learned over the past year and the place I've ended up at. God is good!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Choosing Happiness: La Jolla

La Jolla
La Jolla has become my favorite place to visit since moving here. I love going to the beach, checking out the shops, and watching the sunsets.
With life being so hectic and only speeding up its hard for me to take time for myself. However, there have been moments that I have been able to go with the flow and do something spontaneous. I find myself doing this more because of how my schedule is set up. Its hard to plan something with anyone because of conflicting things. So there are times that I decide to drop my plans for a few hours and do something else (like spend time with friends).

Full Irish Breakfast
Last Saturday I signed up to clean the church building and a few of us girls decided to get brunch afterwards. We ended up eating at this small little Irish bakery called "Sugar and Scribe". The menu had a variety of things that you would get in Ireland. There were even gluten free options which I loved (they had gluten free bread, and cupcakes). We ended up sitting outside in the shade with occasional sunlight streaming down on us. The atmosphere was so quaint and relaxing. You can totally feel like a local eating outside watching the rest of the world play out as you enjoy your brunch with friends/family.
"Sligo Scramble" was an option on the menu, which I was super excited to see. We have a family friend who lives in Sligo, so I had to take a picture and show my parents. I decided to get the "Full Irish Breakfast", and ended up eating it all, even the bacon. If you know me well you know I don't like bacon, the smell alone makes me gag but I ate this bacon and kind of liked it so it's saying something.

La Jolla beach
Afterwards, us girls went back to one of the girls' apartment and walked down to the beach, which was three blocks away. I ended up going back to the same beach with a couple of friends to watch the sunset as surfers caught waves. This beach is probably my favorite place to watch sunsets because I ended up going there the next day with my roommate. We had enough time to explore the beach before going to choir practice. There were tons of rocks to climb on and sea life all around. We saw fish, lobster, sea urchins, and algae eaters (possibly baby sharks).

Mount Soledad
This past week things have been so crazy. I have felt like I am surrounded by people all the time, and doing one thing after the next. I honestly felt like I haven't had time to be by myself and catch my breath so I ended up taking a drive up to Mount Soledad to watch the sunset.

Veterans Memorial
Mount Soledad is located in La Jolla and at the top of the mountain is a veterans memorial. It is such a peaceful place to walk around and see all of San Diego. At the top you have a 360 degree view of La Jolla, San Diego, and the cities beyond. You can see Mission Bay, Coronado Island, Chula Vista, La Mesa, and more. From the north end you can even see the San Diego Temple.

Over looking La Jolla
The view all around was incredible and the sunset was something that could only be experienced. There were quite a few people up there walking around and chatting. Being by myself I felt like I could just sit and watch the world around me keep going as I caught my breath for the first time. There is something about watching the sunset that gives you strength and peace. I find it rather interesting that people travel to see the sunset, this phenomenon that happens every single day that is the same event, the setting sun. Yet, we find it so amazing to watch it, it is new and different every single time. It may be the same event but it is different every single time, no sunset it the same.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Choosing Happiness: Palomar Observatory

This past week I've been busy with work, school and homework. A typical day looks like:
Wake up get ready/study; leave for work; get done with work and head to class; find time to eat dinner in between work and class; come home and do homework; and finally go to bed; repeat the process over. When I am not working I am in class and when I am not working or in class I am usually doing homework. At times it is hard to find time to do things for myself, so when I learned I had Saturday off I planned a trip up to Palomar Observatory.

Palomar Observatory
It is located Northeast of Escondido sitting 5,500 ft (elevation) high within Palomar Mountain. The observatory is owned and operated by the California Institute of Technology. On the property there are "three active research telescopes: the 200-inch (5.1-meter) Hale Telescope, the 48-inch (1.2-meter) Samuel Oschin Telescope, and the 60-inch (1.5-meter) telescope." (About Palomar)

On Saturday and Sundays from April until the last weekend of October there are public tours available of the 200-inch Hale telescope. The tour cost $5 and last about an hour. The tour is well worth the $5 to see the telescope up close and personal. You are able to see the telescope without paying any money, but the tour shows you other parts of the observatory that you are not able to see otherwise.

Actual telescope; Mirror is located at center bottom of image
George E. Hales, the man behind the telescope, approached the Rockefeller foundation in 1928 seeking $6 million (a large sum of money back then) to build the 200-inch telescope. Hales obtained the funds necessary and went over budget by 10% of the original pricing. The observatory was dedicated in 1948, after the end World War II and ten years after the death of Hales. It held the title for the worlds largest telescope in the world until 1993.

The Telescope
The telescope is impressive in design. Before going on the tour I envisioned in my mind a telescope that you or I could buy online. To my surprise this telescope was huge, towering over me like a building. When they say 200-inch telescope they do not mean your average looking telescope. The 200-inch means that the diameter of the mirror, by itself, is 200-inches. The telescope does not have any lenses that most telescopes have, which for this particular telescope is pretty impressive and ahead of its time, especially back then.
Model of Telescope
The design to house this mirror is incredible, there are metal support beams and a huge device weighing in well over 20 tons. The support mechanism for the telescope is capable of moving and adjust in any direction possible. They have a small model to show just how the actual telescope moves at night, because it is still an active telescope which averages operating around 200 nights (depending on the weather) every year since it was dedicated in 1948.

Gathering Light
While on the tour one of the tour guides was talking about the purpose of the telescope and what they, as researchers, do there. He said, "all that we do is gather faint light." This gathering light stood out to me so profoundly that I had to write it down. This gathering light made me think of the gospel and how as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints what we do in our daily life, those small acts that we are taught every Sunday to do, is for us to gather light. For new converts we see them gathering light as they begin their study of the gospel and continue on through baptism. We tend not so much to think of reading, praying, going to church, having FHE, or attending the temple as gathering light. But every activity that we do in which we invite the Holy Ghost into our lives is a form of gathering light.

D&C 50:24 states: "That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continue in God, receiveth more light, and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."

These researchers collect light so they can see more of the universe. But as I pondered this I wondered, "What are we doing as members of this gospel to gather light so that we can see more of God?" Since God is light and when we receive light we are receiving him, then it would be safe to say that the more we receive light (God) the more we are able to see of Him. After sacrament a sister came up to me and told me that she pondered these words. She shared with me that the more light we have the more capable we are to see forward. How true that is! Consider walking through a dark tunnel, the more light that is available to you the more easily you can see what lies ahead.

I challenge you to consider what ways you are gathering light and how can you gather more light.

To learn more about the Palomar Observatory click here.