I read within the 5th-7th chapters of Mormon which recounts the fall and literal destruction of the Nephite nation. For those that know the Book of Mormon and the stories you know that theses chapters are one of the most sorrowful and destructive ones within the Book of Mormon filled with loathsome filth and bloodshed. They are depressing and disheartening at times which makes me reflect back on my struggles I faced. Seeing we all face trials and none are exempt from Satan's gruesome power to drag us down there are those moments where we feel as though there is no balm in Gilead and no hope to come.
As I thought back I was reminded that during those most difficult moments as I plead to my Father in Heaven, He did indeed aid me through those times by sending me relief by His angels. Our struggles can become blessings and if we have faith we can feel of those Heavenly messengers abide with us and bear us up. We may even see them, they are all around us and are not just those that cannot be seen, they lay within our own home that bring to our lives an upliftment to our down trodden soul. God blesses us in numerous ways to help us through this earthly journey as we sovereign through wading these difficult tasks and experiences that will eventually, if we allow them, closer to our Father in Heaven.