Sunday, September 4, 2016

Ponderize: Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord
Two weeks ago as I studied about hope this scripture from Proverbs 3:5-6 kept coming up. Due to its reoccurrence in my study I decided to make it the point of my pondering this week.

Proverbs 3:5-6 reads:
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

I did not know then what this past week would hold for me, but I soon found out.

Grad School
In January I applied to a grad program at BYU, and in March I found out that I did not get in, even though I had a 64% chance of acceptance. I thought I was suppose to be in Utah and I really wanted to be in Utah, so I was left baffled and dumbfounded.
The view from campus, looking out to Mission Bay

The day I found out that I didn't get into BYU I looked into the University of San Diego to find out when their deadlines were. I applied and eventually found out that I got accepted. People told me how lucky I am to be able to live in paradise but the reality of it was anything but paradise.

Behind it all I had no desire to move to San Diego, or even live in California. California is expensive and I didn't know anyone in San Diego.

Before leaving for Wisconsin I had enough money to make it to my families place in the San Joaquin valley and then to San Diego. I didn't have money for food, housing, or transportation, and I still didn't have housing in San Diego. In my mind I came up with the worst case scenario which was I would be homeless sleeping in my car until someone felt pity for me.

A week before I was suppose to go down to San Diego I still didn't have housing set up and no money to pay for anything. I was still looking for a job but had a possible position lined up. The Friday I was leaving I booked a hotel room for three nights. I had gotten into contact with a girl about possibly getting a place but things were not set in stone.

I remember thinking how stupid I was to do something like this because it seemed foolish. Who in their right mind would pack up and move to a city they didn't know anyone, have a place to live, or even have a job lined up. The only thing going for me was I was going to grad school.

Why would I do such a thing?
I had a trust in the Lord. I felt and knew that if this was where I needed to be then I needed to be there. And if that is true then God would provide a way.

This past week this scripture to trust in the Lord was more of an applicational pondering than a meditative pondering. I had to show forth my trust in ways that were difficult and uncomfortable. I felt scared, nervous, and afraid. But it was that faith and knowledge that I had in the Lord that allowed me to take that leap of faith, to trust Him and go to San Diego.

Nephi obtaining the plates of brass.
Things did work out. I know God is a fourth watch God and when everything seems hopelessly impossible it is in that moment that He provides a way. I was able to get housing and readjust my schedule so I could pay for housing. Things did not workout how I hoped they would but the Lord provided the perfect way for everything to work out. He further allowed me to strengthen my faith and trust in Him, which has strengthened may relationship with Him knowing that He is my Eternal Father in Heaven who always provides for me.

While going through the trial I was blessed with moments reminding me of individuals in the scripture who exemplified trust in the Lord.

Those who showed trust in the Lord:
"To trust means to obey willingly without knowing the end from the beginning (see Prov. 3:5-7). To produce fruit, your trust in the Lord must be more powerful and enduring than your confidence in your own personal feelings and experience." -Elder Richard G. Scott "Trust in Lord" GC Oct. 1995

We find countless examples in the scriptures of individuals trusting God. God does provides a way, even when it seems impossible and hopeless. There is always a way with the Lord.