Sunday, January 20, 2013

Scripture of the Day-Perspective

"For now we see through a glass darkly; but then fact to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." 1 Corinthians 13:12

I have heard this verse on numerous occasions of "seeing through a glass darkly." It frustrates me at times because I don't understand nor comprehend what it means but today I have been blessed to see just a little glimpse of this phrase that I hear so often. It may not be what I in the very beginning when I first heard this was anticipating what it meant but it has brought in a whole new understanding about perspectives.

We see things differently in our lives then other people do. It is not a bad thing nor is it wrong. Its amazing and delightful to know that we all do not think alike nor do we see the same as everyone else. But at times it can be a stumbling block for us at times. There is opposition in all things there is good and bad, right and wrong. When we look at something we can either see the good in it or we can see the bad in it. It is ultimately our decision and if we cultivate the desire to change our views we will be enabled to see things differently. Things that use to irritate us will no longer irritate us. Its all about our perspective of things in this life.

I love this scripture because it teaches about perspective but it also teaches more than just our perspective it teaches about Gods perspective. In the end it will be God's perspective that means every thing and nothing else will matter. Its about having an eternal view of things. We are not like God so we do not see what he sees for he sees all things, knowing all things therefore his perspective is perfect perspective. We can come to see from his perspective as we come to him and he will bless us with this desire and ability. Eventually we will be able to see past this dark glass that construes our view, our sights will be changed and when we look at things the things we see will be different than when we looked at them before. We will see Christ as he truly is without this dark glass obscuring our view.

How do you see things? Do you see an eternal perspective? Is the glass half full or half empty? Do you truly see God they way you should or would like to? We can see God by feeling him, we will not have the ultimate perfected view of him until after this life but we can come to see him.