Such a enlightening verse. As I read this today it reminded me of one of my favorite talks called "Christ Centered-Faith Moving Mountains in Your Life". I reflected on how we must have faith and my perspective of faith now compared to where it was just a few years ago.
Believing is having a hope for something that good will come about. Hope is linked to faith because a hope in something produces or is in essence faith. Faith is believing and knowing Jesus Christ, it is knowing He is who he says he is which is all knowing all powerful. When we center our faith in Christ we see miracles happen. Of course there are basic acts that help establish our faith and help it continue to develop.
Prayer is such a powerful tool and act that we can do. It is our way to talk to God. We have the privilege and opportunity to talk to an all knowing, perfect, and infinite God who knows us more than we know ourselves. But I love this scripture because it says that if we ask for something and will believe that we will receive it shall be given unto us.
Our minds are powerful things and along with prayer astounding things can happen and will happen. God promises that if we will believe (have faith in Him) and ask him for the things which we desire he will give it unto us. Many of us have this obstacle of being positive and hoping that good things will come. If we have a positive attitude and believe that we will receive it will happen. God loves us so much because we are his children and he wants to bless us, if we just ask we shall have them. Do you believe in your prayers?