My focus this past week was on the last half of this verse starting with "shall put their trust in God...."
In pondering this verse trust and support stood out to me, so I asked two questions:
1) What does it mean to Trust in the Lord?
2) What does it mean to be supported in our trials?
As I thought about these questions I was inspired with two thoughts, 1) read Elder Scotts conference address from October 1995 (I've read this talk before so I knew it) and 2) find the chapter about Alma and his people being strengthened during their trial.
While reading Elder Scotts talk I came upon this quote:
"To trust means to obey willingly without knowing the end from the beginning (see Prov. 3:5-7). To produce fruit, your trust in the Lord must be more powerful and enduring than your confidence in your own personal feelings and experience." -Elder Richard G. Scott "Trust in Lord" GC Oct. 1995
For me I felt like this answered the question I had in trusting in the Lord or at least reminded me of what I already knew once before.
The things that stood out to me as I read were:
a) the voice of the Lord came upon them in their afflictions
b) lift up your heads and be comforted
c) Lord will deliver them
d) ease their burdens, so not to feel them
e) Lord did strengthen them to bear up their burdens with ease
The trust these people administered was lifting up their heads and being comforted. The support came from Heavenly Father in the form of a voice promising them deliverance but also strengthening them so that they could bear their burdens with ease.
Support and blessings that come from the Lord vary in many ways but He does promise us comfort and deliverance from our trials. Although that deliverance does not mean taking our burdens away, rather it means strengthening us to bear those burdens. God will and does support us. I encourage you to look a little more at your daily life and ask, "How does the Lord support me?"