Through prayer one can come to a Perfect Being in Heaven and talk to him about our hearts desires. We are imperfect and powerless, we fail at our own yearnings to be something and to do anything, and we even struggle countlessly through this life to make a means to all this that we have been given just to understand what we are doing. Even though we are imperfect beings who have flaws and struggle with addictions and other things we are still loved and accepted by a Perfect God. Man may fail us when we need someone the most, but no matter how much others fail us and we ourselves, God will never fail us, he is always by our side and ready to aid us in our needs. It is a great privilege and a wonderful opportunity to be able to talk to such a being as God, someone who knows us better than we know ourselves and is merciful and forgiving of the things we have done. God sees the good in us and our great potential to become something that the world says we cannot become, like Him.
Prayer has changed my life. I have come to learn of God and develop a personal and deep relationship with my Heavenly Father. As I go to him in prayer both day and night, and throughout the course of my day I find enlightenment to questions and problems I am facing. I can talk to him about anything that is on my mind and in my heart and I know he will never judge me or turn away from me because of the great love he has for me and all his children. Prayer has empowered my soul to reach higher and obtain things that people have told me were impossible and to big of a dream to achieve. As I have been faced with various circumstances in my life I have turned to God in those times, especially in times of need. Having concerns about which path to follow, strength to get through a hard trial, or just comfort about the events that will happen-these prayers have been answered. God does answer prayers, he hears us and knows us. We will never get a busy tone or disconnected with God. Prayers that we offer up may not be answered right away, for its all in the Lords due time, but in the end they are all answered. These moments of not being answered is a time for us to be patience and trust in the Lord that he will provide a way. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths" Proverbs 3:5-6. God is all knowing and his purposes are great beyond our own expectations, they come to pass and they are most glorious and wonderful. Prayer changes us and connects us to Heaven.