“All things not only are not known but must not be so convincingly clear as to eliminate the need for faith. That would nullify agency and defeat the purpose of the plan of salvation. Tests of faith are growing experiences. We all have unanswered questions. Seeking and questioning periods of doubt in an effort to find answers, are part of the process of discovery.”
Why is it that some of our questions aren’t answered? Why do I know have an overwhelming and clear understanding of the things pertaining to God and Heaven? This quote answers the core elements they ask for. We do not have the answers to all of life’s questions nor do we have an over astounding confirmation that is as clear and bright as the noon day sun. It is for a wise purpose that God has done this. If we had such a clear answer to things it would defeat the purpose of faith, if we knew we would not faith. It is for the principle of those who ask for a miracle; once they see that miracle they say they will have faith. But the truth is they won’t have faith if they see the miracle because they would already know therefore giving no need for the element of faith. We are given agency to choose, the act of faith is our choice so if we had everything given to us and all the answers we would have the choice to choose faith because it wouldn’t be an option on the test.
Faith is produced by our willingness to experiment and ability to choose that direction. It is by faith that we see miracles not by miracles that produce faith. Miracles affirm our faith in the very thing that we believe in, allowing it to grow stronger.