"For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." 1 Corinthians 15:22
I love the Bible because it gives so much light and reference to those things spoken of in the Book of Mormon and within my belief in Mormonism. This scripture helps us to understand the purpose and why we need Jesus Christ. Many people don't believe in a God and fairly everyone doesn't know why we need Jesus Christ.
Adam was the first man created on earth and with Eve the became one together. They both partook of the fruit which God commanded them not to, in so doing they were driven from the Garden which was in essence the presence of God. From this act Adam became a fallen man, given to the nature of the flesh, acting and being enticed by the devil. The act of Adam and Eve being driven from the Garden was symbolic as well as actual. They were taken out of the presence of God because no unclean thing can dwell in his presence.
Since Adam and Eve could no longer stand in the presence of God there had to be a way and means for them to come back into their presence. God has a plan called the Plan of Salvation and at the center of this Plan is Jesus Christ. Our way back to God's presence is Jesus Christ. He has atoned for our sins, but so much more than that he taught us the way of heaven how we are to act and become like God. For he has told us that we should become perfected even as God is perfected. So we all have died because of Adam but we are all alive because of Jesus Christ. This does not shorten our duty and way of becoming just because the Atonement was made, we have plenty of things to do and strive to overcome.