Alma 30:60
"The devil will not support his children at the last day."
This morning I read in Alma 29 & 30 for my daily scripture study. Within chapter 30 you read of Korihor who was the Anti-Christ. He was deceived by an angel of the devil, who taught him what to say to the people. He went about leading many to commit sin and submerse themselves in wickedness, leading them away from the things of God. This verse is a powerful one after Korihor confesses he knew God and Christ and he was deceived by the devil we come to see that even when he is about to fall Satan doesn't care about this man. There is no support for those that turn away from God and all righteousness. It shakes me to the bones to a continuous reminder that if I depart from my ways of God I will have no foundation to stand on. Satan only cares to be above us all, he delights in wickedness, and finds joy when someone else is struggling and is miserable. "Or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself." 2 Nephi 2:27 God seeks for our welfare, he is here next to us to sustain and uplift. God wants us to be happy and is there to support us unlike Satan. If we are founded and established upon Jesus Christ the winds will not have affect on us to blow us down, we will not fall God loves us too much and has promised us safety in his loving arms.
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