Thursday, March 21, 2013

Quote of the Day-Survive

"Things we cannot solve, we must survive.” President Boyd K. Packer

Our life is filled with chaos and struggles that come at us in all direction. At times it feels like we have no where to turn and no answer to the question. We look for solutions and lets admit in our day and age we want a quick fix but that is not how things work. We cannot expect for our problems to be solved in a couple of seconds or hours it takes time, it is a progression, a journey to be endured.

These struggles are difficult and we learn a great deal of who we are and who God is directing us to become. "You don't ever realize how strong you are until being strong is all that you have left." There will be many times that we will have to come to accept defeat and endure to survive. Survival is key and the most essential thing for us to do in these most deepest and greatest times of trials.

Who do you turn to? How do you survive? We do not know what lies ahead we cannot tell but we must have faith and complete confidence and trust in God. It is when we trust him fully that we let go of everything we are holding onto, all the expectations, hurt emotions, and angered feelings that we accept that path that will come and be okay with the things we dont understand. Do we have courage to survive? Do we have courage to endure and trust God fully? What is holding you back and keeping you from God? There is hope, peace, love, and happiness ahead. We may not be able to solve our problems right now but we can survive them and trust in God and his timing. Things will work out for the good of it all.